How to Connect Your Wallet

    Follow these steps to securely connect your wallet to our platform.

    Step 1: Visit Our Website

    When you access our website for the first time, look for the Connect Wallet button located in the top right corner.

    Step 2: Open the Connect Wallet Page

    Click the Connect Wallet button to open the Connect Wallet page. Here, you‘ll be able to review our terms and conditions.

    Step 3: Accept Terms and Conditions

    Carefully read the terms and conditions. Once you agree, tick the checkbox labeled Accept Terms and Conditions.

    Step 4: Initiate Wallet Connection

    After accepting the terms, click the Connect button. This will trigger your wallet popup, allowing you to proceed with the connection.

    Step 5: Sign the Wallet Transaction

    A wallet transaction request will appear. Sign this transaction to confirm your wallet connection.

    Wallet Connection Complete

    Your wallet is now securely connected, enabling you to interact with our platform.

    Note: Ensure your wallet is supported and has sufficient funds for potential transaction fees.